Friday 16 July 2010

UK Trip

Off we went to the UK for a bit of family time. Having had a quick exit from the house and making it to the aiport on time, we had a good flight home. Eva first experience on a plane went well with only a small amount of crying as we were landing.
The Grandparents Bridgeman picked us up and we spent a few days with them before heading up to Oxford for the Tait wedding.

We arrived at Finmere after a slightly traumatic trip in the car. Eva is not convinced about backward facing carseats. Adam was sat in the back with her for some of the journey which seemed to help.
Eva met her Grandpa Tait and and Nanny Ness, there were lots of cuddles and cooing. We had a couple of days before the wedding which was nice, we could relax a bit and enjoy being in the country.

The day of the wedding was gorgeous, a bit windy, but blue skies. Eva was dressed in a very cute little blue dress with pink flowers and pink netting underneath.

Aunty Debbie and Uncle Ben arrived so more introductions and cuddles were had with Eva.
Then, off we went to the registry office in Aylesbury to have the wedding. Nanny Ness looked lovely!

Vows were spoken and confetti was thrown and Eva slept, at least she wasn't crying.
We all went out for a lovely lunch and then went back to Finmere.

The next day we set off for Chichester. The journey was not good! Carseats were not a big hit in any way shape of form. It took us a few more hours than it should have to make the trip. Oh well!!!
We had a lovely few days with Yaya and Aunty Boogs, we even left Eva with Yaya while we went to Sainsburys. That was the first time I had left Eva ever. She coped admirably, sleeping I think.

We went to see Great Mama and I ate far too many chocolate biscuits. Eva had lovely cuddles with Great Mama who seemed to have the golden touch as far as getting her to sleep.

We went back to Beaconsfield via a quick visit to see The Nightingale family, and it realy was quick. The journey had again taken hours longer than expected and we got there late and then had to leave to miss the traffic. Eva was one knackered baby.
Back in Beaconsfield we chilled out for a few days, seeing Uncle James, Aunty Jess and an ill Finlay. Aunty Julia and the boys, Thomas and Lewis, came over for a visit and we went to see Jono, Katie and their tribe, Millie, Oliver and Finley. Julia, Jono and Katie were asked and they accepted to be Evas Dog Parents. (Instead of God parents).
Julia threatened to keep Eva which could have been tricky but was convinced otherwise at the last minute.

A busy few weeks was had but much enjoyed by all.
Eva settled into a good night time routine and so our evenings became more our own.

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