Monday 12 July 2010

The End

The midwife said that the baby was really pissed off, as you would be having just gone through what she had. I obviously was not in a position to help and so the new daddy in the family went round and crooned " Wriggles". Within seconds she was calm and happy to be weighed. They did all the things they had to do, with Adam close at hand. And me? They were stitching. Oh goody!
Fortunately I could not feel anything, thank god for the epidural, again.
When I was told I would probably be incontinent for the rest of my life I was well chuffed.
This has not come to pass and thankgoodness all is fine.
When all the necessary things had been done they gave Eva to me for the first time. And ahhhh!
A little bit purple and messy, but, ahhhh!.
We cuddled and cooed and she slept.

After about an hour we were moved into the room next door, still in the delivery suite as the maternity ward was full. There, we stayed all night. Adam went to sleep on the boat at about 2am, Eva continued to sleep and I wanted a drink but was not allowed due to the epidural.
By morning I was really thirsty and I mean really thirsty. I had not been allowed a drink of anything since 6pm the day before and still had to wait. At about 10am they let me sip a small glass of water and slowly, slowly I was allowed more. Thank goodness.

Eva, still asleep was taken away at about 11am, just as Adam arrived. She was cleaned up and weighed and all those sorts of things for about an hour, and then when she was done we all moved down to the maternity ward.

Now she was awake and ready to eat. She latched on really quickly, a nurse showed me how to open her mouth wide and that was it. We are away! No problems, no pain just lots of eatting.

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